Welcome to the last content course you’ll ever need—learn how turn your audience from followers to buyers!

Put a finger down if…

  • You’re tired of hearing that you need to post consistently + always wondering, “what in the hell do I need to say to get a client around here?!

  • You feel like everyone else has content ideas coming out of their ass while you’re stuck trying to think of what to say EVERYDAY (let alone planning content for a full week)

  • You think you know who your dream client is because you’ve literally filled out your “ideal client avatar” 43453x but knowing that they love watching Love is Blind, drives a Tesla and works out doesn’t tell you exactly how to create content that will make them want to work with you

  • You’re beginning to wonder if people really do convert from their content or if everyone’s actually having as hard a time as you (please tell me I’m not alone…)

  •  You’ve used buzzwords like “confident, freedom, passion, purpose” which only attracts unaligned clients because people don’t know what you can *actually* do for them

* *How many do you have left….??? *

What would it be like if…..

  • You built profitable content strategy that actually signs you clients because you know *exactly* what your audience wants to hear from you today to buy

  • You opened your Instagram to DAILY notifications of dream clients following you - you haven’t seen this much growth in years and you are HERE FOR IT!!!

  • You’ve got a waitlist of SOULmate clients for a brand new offer you literally teased ONCE on your stories with limited info and a couple of emojis

  • Your notifications are popping off with Stripe payments and “how can I work with you?” DMs in your inbox month after month. 

  • Imagine if you never had to rely on needing to “find” your dream clients online + instead you created content that brought them to you

Writing content to the demographics of your dream client isn’t what sells your offer. Writing to the PSYCHOGRAPHICS is what does!

Yet how many “Ideal Client Avatar” exercises have you completed that ask the SAME questions over and over:

  • Their sex

  • Their age

  • Relationship status

  • What they do for work

  • Where they live

  • Income level

  • Level of education

  • If they have kids or not


Which is why it may feel like you know EXACTLY who it is that you serve while also having no idea what you need to say to your audience to make them want to buy from you!

Here’s why this doesn’t work (and why your content isn’t converting).

Demographics tell you who your dream client is. PSYCHOGRAPHICS tell you how they FEEL.

Why that matters is because EMOTIONS are what drive purchasing behaviours. And why knowing the demographics of your dream client is doing diddly squat for you + your conversions.

And why I’m here to to change that!

By teaching you how to write content that speaks to the heart + soul of the one person who needs it. And how you do that is by writing to the psychographics!


Turn your content into CA$H! / /

Turn your content into CA$H! / /

Where you go from this:

  • You get inquiries in the DMs about your fucking incredible offer but the moment you say “Do you mind if I ask where you’re currently at so that I can make sure I can help you?” they go *POOF.*

  • You’ve got a bad case of comparisonitis AKA you spiral down the rabbit hole of “how come they know exactly what to say and how to say?” when you’re over here mumbling jumbling copy

  • You feel like you’re spending all your time on social media + it’s not paying off because you aren’t signing clients 

  • It feels like you’re taking 7442 hours just to write a 300 word post because you’re waiting for inspiration to start knocking on your door like an UberEats delivery.

  • *Actually* enjoy creating content again because now without a shadow of a doubt you have found your voice online.

  • You’ve come THE coach that your peers have content envy over because whenever they see you open spots and fill them up in same day they say “holy fuck that was fast! I wish I was like her!.”

  • Opening your IG and spending an hour tops in there because your SOULmate clients are already in your DMs ready to PIF for your highest-ticket offer.

  • Sign clients that make you fucking excited to open up your Voxer on a Monday because tbh it feels like hanging out with your bestie in real life

To this:

By the end of the program, you’ll…

  • Grow your IG with a hot audience of dream clients that are empowered AF to pay you and not just followers that never buy

  • Say au revoir writer’s block! You’re no longer feeling the pressure to post because excuse my French but you’ve literally got a shit ton of (high performing) ideas you’ve batched in a day

  • Attract clients that are ready to PIF in the DMs even if your views/likes/saves/shares/comments are in an engagement-recession coz you’ve been posting only 3x a week

  • Pop your app open you confidently record your stories because you know *exactly* how to communicate the benefits of your offers - without needing to rerecord 101 times

No more stressing over engagement . No more worrying about algorithm. No more wasting time spending hours in your DMs.

This could be you…

Here’s how we turn your CONTENT to CA$H!


Here we focus on knowing your SOULmate client better than you know your real life bestie! Where every piece of content you create is so dialled in you receive “how are you in my head, this is EXACTLY what I needed to hear,” comments daily. Where they feel like you know them so well it’s easier for them to say “SIGN ME UP!”



In this section we focus on understanding what your SOULmate clients need to hear from you to find you, follow you and BUY FROM YOU! With a focus on what types of content work best to do this so you can maximize your conversions within the first few weeks!



You’re an expert at what you do + it’s time to be seen for the leader that you are! Here we are focusing on infusing your VOICE into every piece of content that you create. While standing out effortlessly, + becoming the GO TO in your industry + what you want to be known for!



Here I am showing you my proven, easy to follow content strategy that will give you back HOURS of your time, while bringing you a steady stream of clients month after month! (get ready to watch your Stripe notifications pop off!



In this module I am giving you a step by step guide on how to create high converting captions. This is the same process I follow that has allowed me to sign 5 figure clients from a single post. Which means this shit really works!



Your stories are your hottest audience! The ones who are already obsessed with you + what you do. Yet to often we overcomplicate what we need to do or say on our stories that we don’t end up using them to their fullest potential. I’m going to show you how to make showing up on here so easy you in complete flow. And when you FLOW the MONEY FLOWS!



Launching is about to get a whole lot easier and dare I say FUN! Inside the sales strategy I’m giving you a foolproof plan that maps out each day of your launch, what you need to do + say to pique the interest of each buyer type. Where the only worry you’ll have is how quickly you’ll sell out. (which is the BEST problem to have)



Content doesn’t have to be a hamster wheel. In this module I am going to show you how easy it is to take the content you’re creating for one platform and repurpose it for multiple channels. So you can watch as your email list + other socials blow up!


Monetize Your Message isn’t just your average content course, and here’s why …

I’ve joined my fair share of content courses all promising to crack the code on how to sign clients consistently + you want to know what…I was left feeling disappointed because it was all stuff that I already knew.


Because MOST content courses focus mostly on the content that you create. They talk about themes (educational, entertaining, sales) + forms of content such as reels, carousels, + lives. Which like me you are already a pro at these types of content + using them within your business.

And it’s because of this if you have invested in these programs before they’ve left feeling like you already knew everything that you paid for..talk about a buzz kill!

Which is why Monetize Your Message is unlike anything you’ve experienced before.

The truth is - it’s not the type of content you create that converts your audience. It’s what you SAY in it that does. And why you haven’t been able to understand why you’re doing what you have been taught + you’re not getting sales notifications while sipping your Starbucks on a Saturday.

So let’s change that, why don’t we?

Monetize Your Message isn’t going to just teach you how to create content. It’s going to teach you how to confidently write binge worthy content that your audience can’t get enough of. So that you can book out your services!

Did someone say waitlist?!


✓ LIFETIME ACCESS to the Monetize Your Message content, designed to help you elevate your copywriting + marketing, so you can start selling your offers with ease

✓ 8 pre-recorded modules, so you can go through in your own time + pace

✓ Workbooks + cheat sheets, for you to work through with the video modules

✓ Welcome/kick off call to set you up for the most success in our time together

+ 3 LIVE Q&A calls to get all your questions answered 

+ 7 LIVE - 30 min office hours sessions to have your content questions answered 

✓ Private slack channel for daily accountability + support





Hey there, I’m Jess! 👋🏻

I’ll be the first to admit when I started my biz over 5 years ago I used to think a content strategy meant how many times I posted per week. Mainly because the only advice I was taught was to be consistent + post daily. (sound familiar?)

So I did exactly that!

While I was able to sign clients, I’ll be the first to admit that it felt like a fluke when I did.

It felt defeating when I would find myself posting consistently + wondering where in the hell my next client would be coming from. I haven’t told many people this, but I even remember phoning my mom one time and saying that I felt like I “couldn’t pay someone to take my program.”

I knew my offers were great - and I had the results to prove it. I just didn’t understand what was missing in my content.

It was that I was being basic AF, and WAY TOO broad with my language. Aka not painting a clear picture for where they were at + more importantly where they wanted to go. And why I would get a ton of “you’re so inspiring, love your content,” comments - but not actual clients.

Reason being - FEELINGS aren’t TANGIBLE! And is the same reason why when my dream clients read my content they couldn’t understand exactly where it was the my programs could get them.

It’s finally when I learned how to write content that was clear, tangible and specific that I did over $100k in sales in less than 8 months. And have continued to generate over 6 figures in my biz just from my content alone.

This isn’t done by fluke. It's by knowing my dream client like I know my bff. And knowing how to write content that is effortless for my dream client’s to raise their hands and say “holy fuck, that’s me.”

I know that if I can do it...so can you! Better yet, I am showing you how inside Monetize Your Message!

  1. Keep trying to figure it out on your own while playing the post + pray game. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Hoping you’ll start signing clients soon…(let me know how that’s going for you)


  2. Learn the SKILL of copywriting + how to create high converting content which is hands down the ONE skill that will get you paid for the entirety of your business!

Don’t know about you, but I know which one I would choose…😉

Right now the choice is yours and you can either:

If you’re like me + choosing option 2… I can't wait to welcome you into Monetize Your Message!

I'm going to let you in on a secret about creating content that hardly anyone else is talking about…

The content that you create to attract new followers + grow your audience IS NOT the same content that will convert them.

Which is likely why when you’re creating content consistently and it’s NOT converting you feel like you are hitting your head against the wall.

Reason being is we are taught that we just need to “post consistently” in order to sign clients and that it’s about quantity over quality.

NEWSFLASH - it isn’t! Truthfully this is just bad business advice.

It’s not that you are doing anything wrong..it’s just that you haven’t been taught about what goes into creating a PROFITABLE content strategy.

And why I’m here to change that!

Incase you were wondering…

  • While I cannot guarantee results in any of our programs (nor can anyone else). My clients have been able to see changes within a month (if not sooner). This may depend on your current audience size + how warm they are. If you are starting an account from scratch, you may find it takers longer for things to kick off. If you already have an established brand + you implement the lessons taught - results may happen much faster.

  • What is taught inside Monetize Your Message is based on buyer psychology. The concepts + strategies have been proven to work if implemented consistently over a period of time. This will require time + effort on your behalf as it is about fine tuning your skills as a marketer. With any new or developing skill - it takes time. I promise if you fully commit to showing up and implementing what is taught inside you will see results.

  • I will be showing + giving examples within canva for sales stories templates to use. I however will not be giving any plug and play templates for written content as I believe these do a great disservice to you and your content. Reason being with templates lots of the time you lose your authentic voice in them and end up creating content that looks just like everyone else who is using the same template. Which is the exact opposite for why you’d join Monetize Your Message. We want you and your content to stand out - and templates do the exact opposite of that.

  • Due to the nature of this program, + the information that I’m providing you (paired with the fact I KNOW you’ll love it) there will NO refunds will be issued, under any circumstances. Please make sure that the course feels like a good fit for you, before enrolling!


✓ LIFETIME ACCESS to the Monetize Your Message content, designed to help you elevate your copywriting + marketing, so you can start selling your offers with ease

✓ 8 pre-recorded modules, so you can go through in your own time + pace

✓ Workbooks + cheat sheets, for you to work through with the video modules

✓ Welcome/kick off call to set you up for the most success in our time together

+ 3 LIVE Q&A calls to get all your questions answered 

+ 7 LIVE - 30 min office hours sessions to have your content questions answered 

✓ Private slack channel for daily accountability + support



